Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Once I had a home in the desert
Once I had a home in the desert,
Overlooking echoing hollow canyons,
Under vast merciless blazing skies
That left no shadows to hide in.

Once when I called the desert home,
I trailed the sketched markings of the land.
On the tops of steep canyons falls,
I threw my name into the winds.

Alongside the windows of my desert home
The swirling sands danced every spring,
Trickling into my living room, they settled,
In small pools of golden nuggets on the floors.

In the front of my house I planted a garden every fall,
Tiny specks of green I tended to, infusing life,
But the desert loomed, surrounding me day and night
The howling winds rattling the walls in the dark.

An oasis, a shelter from the elements,
Once I tried to build a home in the desert,

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